Walnut Sparkle Recipe from Black Squirrel Farms

Make your own Walnut Sparkle at home! This unique non-toxic septic-safe toilet scrub solution combines the natural abrasive power of black walnut shells with the cleaning and deodorizing power of baking soda.

Got questions or comments or need additional info?  Let us know. Got a tree nut allergy?  This recipe probably isn't for you - all nutshell products may contain traces of nutmeat or oil and any process that involves mixing dry powder carries some risk of particles going airborne then subsequently inhaled.


  • 1.5 oz Black Squirrel Farms black walnut shell powder
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • A 1-qt or larger container with a screw or snap on top (for mixing)
  • (Helpful) A funnel
  • An empty Walnut Sparkle container or other container(s) in which you plan to keep your final product
  • Open, well-ventilated work area, ideally outside


  • Add one cup of baking soda to the container, dumping slowly to minimize possible dust.
  • Add 1.5 oz of Black Squirrel Farms black walnut shell powder to the container, dumping slowly to minimize possible dust. No need to measure!  Just use about half of a 3-oz. package.
  • Screw or snap the top onto the container.
  • Shake the container until the baking soda and walnut shell powder are well mixed.
  • Put the container down and let the mixture settle for at least 30 seconds. Your Walnut Sparkle is ready for use.
  • Use the funnel to help transfer the Walnut Sparkle from the mixing container to the empty Walnut Sparkle container or other storage container(s), dumping slowly to minimize possible dust.

That's it!  Use Walnut Sparkle to clean toilets or porcelain sinks. 

Click here for more info.

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